Are you looking for Odia Birthday Sms for Odia lovers, Birthdays are special occasions that bring joy and excitement to our lives. One lovely way to express your love, affection, and good wishes to the birthday celebrant is through a heartfelt birthday SMS. Here’s a collection of ideas and examples to help you craft a memorable birthday message. Here you can find latest Odia sms in Odia language.

ମୁଁ ଚାହେଁ ତୁମର ଜନ୍ମଦିନ
ତୁମ ଭଳି ଚମତ୍କାର ହେଉ
| ଜନ୍ମଦିନର ଅଭିନନ୍ଦନ।
Mun Chahne Tumara Janmadina
Tuma Bhali Chamaktara heu
Janmadinara Abhinandana

ତୁମ ଜନ୍ମଦିନରେ ତୁମେ ଯାହା ଚାହଁ,
ଭଗବାନ ତୁମକୁ ଏହାର ଦୁଇଗୁଣ ଦିଅନ୍ତୁ |
ଜନ୍ମଦିନର ଅଭିନନ୍ଦନ।
Tuma Janmadinare Tume Jaha Chahna
Bhagaban Tumaku Ehaku Duiguna Karantu
Janmadinara Abhinandana

ମୁଁ ତୁମ ଜନ୍ମଦିନରେ ବହୁତ ଖୁସି
ଏବଂ ସଫଳତା କାମନା କରୁଛି |
ଜନ୍ମଦିନର ଅଭିନନ୍ଦନ।
Mun Tuma Janmadinare bahuta Khusi
Ebam Saphalata kamana Karuchhi
Janmadinara Abhinandana