Latest job opening in Odisha
A Walk-in-Interview will be held for engagement of 01 Computer Assistant on temporary basis for the project entitled “Professional Development of Teachers from SC/ST dominated Areas through E-learning Resource Material in Biology at Sr. Secondary level” tenable up to 31-03-2015 on a consolidated remuneration of Rs. 9282/- per month. The engagement will confer no right to claim appointment on regular basis. The Institute reserves the right to terminate the temporary engagement at any time without assigning any reason thereof. Interested candidates fulfilling the qualifications as mentioned below may attend the Walk-in-Interview on 09.01.2015 at 11:00 AM in the Staff Common Room of the Institute. Candidates should bring their Bio-data, all original certificates and mark-sheets (with one set of self attested photocopies) regarding qualification & experience, one self attested passport size photograph.
Post :Computer Asistant
- No of Post : 01
- Esential Qualification : M.Sc. Degree in Computer Science / MCA or B.Level of the
DoE or B.Tech in Computer Engineering or Master’s Degree
in any Science discipline with minimum 55% marks and
Diploma in the Area of Computer Application - Age limit : The candidate should be below the age of 30 years.
(35 years in case of SC/ST and Women candidates) - Walk-in-Interview Date & Time : 09.01.2015 at 1:0 AM
Note : (1) No TA/DA is admissible for attending the Interview.
(2) Candidates should report for attending the Walk-in-Interview along with required
documents strictly 01 hour before the commencement of the Interview time, failing which the
candidate will not be allowed to attend the Walk-in-Interview
Venue Details
Staf Common Rom of the Instiute.
Regional Institute Of Education, Bhubaneswar.
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