Prathama Dekha Re is one of the Sambalpuri song by Mantu Chhuria & Aseema Panda .This Odia ringtone is…
Odia Album Ringtone
Pana Paturi is one of the Sambalpuri song by Mantu Chhuria, Aseema Panda .This Odia ringtone is uploaded under category Odia…
Kahibara Thila is one of the Album song by Swayam Padhi .This Odia ringtone is uploaded under category Odia Ringtones.…
Gaan Sundari is one of the Best odia Album song by Mantu Chhuria .This Odia ringtone is uploaded under category…
O Sahiba Tate Prema Heichi is one of the Romantic song by Aseema Panda, Biswajeet Pattanaik da .This Odia ringtone…
Kanara Jhumka is one of the Romantic song by Human Sagara Antara Chakrabarty .This Odia ringtone is uploaded under category Odia…
Jibanathu Tu is one of the Romantic song by Diptirekha, Humane Sagar .This Odia ringtone is uploaded under category Odia Ringtones.…
Mu Tate Bhala Paye is one of the Romantic song by Mr rout & barish .This Odia ringtone isuploaded under…
Kouthu Sikhilu Emiti Prema is one of the Romantic song by Humane Sagar & Aseema Panda .This Odia ringtone isuploaded…
Aa Lekhibara Prema Rachana is one of the Romantic song by Swayam padhi &Antara Chakraborty .This Odia ringtone is uploaded…