Heigala Bodhe Prema is one of the Romantic song by Swayam Padhi , Soujannya Rath .This Odia ringtone is uploaded…
New Latest Odia Ringtone
Tu Asamani Pari is one of the Romantic song by Kuldeep Pattanaik and Aseema Panda .This Odia ringtone is uploaded under category…
Dil Beiman is one of the Romantic song by Humane Sagar , Lipsa Mahapatra .This Odia ringtone is uploaded under…
Ghaila Heli Premare is one of the Dance song by Kuldeep Pattanaik, Neha Niharika .This Odia ringtone is uploaded under…
Kahide Tu Kahide is one of the Romantic song by Kuldeep Pattnaik and Arpita Choudhury .This Odia ringtone is uploaded…
Bidhatara Sanjoga is one of the dance song by Humane Sagar and Aseema Panda .This Odia ringtone is uploaded under…
Lilabati is one of the dance song by Kuldeep Pattanaik .This Odia ringtone is uploaded under category Odia Ringtones. This…