Prema Haeigala Re Mate is one of the Romantic song by KULDEEP PATTANAIK .This Odia ringtone is uploaded under category Odia…
New Latest Album Ringtone
Ajanate Helaki Prema is one of the Romantic song by Abhishek Rout – Jyotirmayee Nayak .This Odia ringtone is uploaded…
Prema Heigala Akhire Akhire is one of the Romantic song by Swayam Pravash Padhi & Antara Chakrabarty. .This Odia ringtone is…
Tu Mo Valentine 2.0 is one of the Romantic song by Kuldeep Pattanaik .This Odia ringtone is uploaded under category Odia…
Alo Beiman Premika is one of the sad song by Humane Sagar .This Odia ringtone is uploaded under category Odia…
Daringi Badi Buleinebi is one of the dance song byTarique Aziz & Jyotirmayee Nayak .This Odia ringtone is uploaded under category…
Bou Kahuthila Tate Dekhiba Boli is one of the dance song by Satyabrata and sandhya .This Odia ringtone is uploaded…