Rangei Nani is one of the Sambalpuri song by Mantu Chhuria & Aseema Panda .This Odia ringtone is…
Odia Album Ringtones
Papuli Rekha is one of the Romantic song by Humane Sagar & Aseema Panda .This Odia ringtone is uploaded under…
PREMA KALA JEBE is one of the song by Human Sagar.This Odia ringtone is uploaded under category Odia Ringtones. This…
Nabu Ki Sambalpur is one of the Sambalpuri song by Human Sagar, Ira Mohanty .This Odia ringtone is uploaded…
Mu Jadi Tora Mane Padibi is one of the Sad song by Manish S Sharma .This Odia ringtone is uploaded…
Srabanara Srabani is one of the Romantic song by Humane Sagar & Diptirekha .This Odia ringtone isuploaded under category Odia…
Mo Niswasha To Niswasha is one of the Romantic song by Swayam Padhi & Antara Chakraborty .This Odia ringtone is…
Mehendi Lagei Tu Asibu Kebe Mo Agana is one of the Romantic song by Satyajeet Pradhan & Antara Chakraborty .This Odia…
Lakhe Faguna is one of the Romantic song by Swayam Padhi & Antara Chakraborty .This Odia ringtone is uploaded under category…
Kou Raijaru Asichu is one of the Romantic song by Shasank Sekhar .This Odia ringtone is uploaded under category Odia…