The first count of the solar year begins with the Baishakh Sankranti (the day of the Sun’s Aries infection) or Pana Sankranti. This is the first day of the solar eclipse. From this day on, the new word count begins. The beginning of the Oriya New Year is scientifically sound and its calculation is based on the number of solar eclipses. The method is believed to have originated in Odisha’s first astronomer, Satanandacharya. There are five types of motion on Earth, three of which are direct and two that are indirect. The oscillation speed is one of the three direct speeds. This movement takes about 26,000 years to complete. The pace has now moved 24 degrees to Pisces in the aftermath. It will move up to 360 degrees in this order. This is the opinion of all Eastern and Western theories; But according to Pathani Samanta, a great economist from Odisha, the pace will move 27 degrees forward and 27 degrees backwards. In this way it can move only at 54 degrees. This velocity changes the length of the planetary stars. This is called the Nirayan method. Indian astronomers are in favor of Nirayan ideology. According to this opinion, the clear sun enters the Aries point every year on April 14/15. This is where the Oriya New Year begins. In the Oriya register, this day is celebrated as Equinox. But that’s not right because the sun is moving about 9 degrees north of the Earth’s eclipse on this day.