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Symbolic Representation

Follower of Shaiva Culture:

The Original shape of Jagannath was in shape of a “Linga”. Balabhadra is also named as ‘Siva’ & Ananta Basudev.

Follower of Sakta Culture:

In Tantra writings, Jagannath has been accepted as ‘Bhairab’ & Vimala represents ‘Vairabi’. Only after offering of ‘Jagannath Bhog’ at ‘Vimala’, is taken as ‘Maha Prasad’. Follower of Buddhism:

Buddhists pray Jagannath as ‘Namoh Jagannath Buddhay’.

In their opinion, Jagannath Balabhadra Subhadra 4 represents Buddha-Sangha-Dharma. Buddhists also believe that the tooth of Buddha is kept inside the ‘Jagannath Bigraha’ at the Navel circle. At the entrance of Srimandir, the ten inscriptions has been inscribed & among them ‘Jagannath’ have been placed in the 10th place, which was meant for ‘Buddha’. Jagannath Rath Yatra is alike that of Ratha Yatra for ‘Buddha’. Buddhists also do not believe casteism in the society, which is being followed in ‘Ananda Bazar’.Follower of Jainism:

The Jains believe that the word ‘Jagannath’ has been derived from the word ’Jeenanath’. ‘Jagannath’ idol resembles with the ancient ‘Join Idol’. The ‘ Baisi Pahacha’(22 steps) has been constructed in the memory of 22 Join Monks. The ‘Jain’ saints are called ‘KEBALI’. Accordingly the ‘Bhog’ offered to the details is called ‘ KAIBALYA’. Follower of Muslim Religion:

Circular black mark which is liked by Muslims, can be traced easily. The eyes of Jagannath are nothing else than circular blacks. These Black Eyes have immensely attracted to the Muslim devotee Haridas & Salabega.

Follower of Christian Religion:

The Researchers feel that at the initial stage, the Christian religion was inspired by Jagannath Idol. As like the Muslim emphasize on circular Black, the Christians are inclined for X(Cross) Mark. This type of cross mark can be noticed on the black side of Jagannath Idol. Western Researcher Mr. M. Sylevsin Levia has written in his book – ‘The Acquariam Gospal Of Jesus Christ’, that Jesus Christ HIM SELF had remained in the Jagannath Temple for 4 years for preaching the cultivators & low caste people. From this it can be ascertained that Christian Religion have been inspired & developed to a shape, by Jagannath cult.